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Hybrid B Needle – 21G x 150 mm

Ref. 9EHB150-21


The EVOLUTION Hybrid B needle is a unique injection cannula with a 30° bevel designed to combine the technique of nerve stimulation and peripheral blocks under ultrasound. The surface treatment of the steel allows a smooth gliding inside the tissues and a precise stimulation through the needle tip that does not interfere with the ultrasound visualization.


– Ergonomic injected handle (mono-bloc) reduces the risk of leakage.
– Equipped with a 600 mm extension with Neuroaxial connection according to ISO 80369-6 and an electric cable.
– Centimeter marking every 10 mm to check the insertion depth.
– Monopolar cable compatible with all neurostimulators on the market.


– High visibility from different angles (360º) and depths
– Low penetration force which reduces patient’s pain
– Direct visualization of the diffusion of local anesthetics

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